
East Horsley Parish Councillors

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor


  • Planning & Environment Committee (Chair)

  • Personnel Committee (Chair)

  • Horsley Heritage (Chair)

  • Village Appearance Task Group

  • Finance & Risk Management Committee 

  • Road Safety & Maintenance Task Group

  • Countryside Task Group

Register of Interests
Aileen Aitcheson

Aileen Aitcheson

Vice Chair

  • Finance and Risk Management Committee (Chair)

  • Village Appearance Task Group (Chair)

  • Personnel Committee

  • Road Safety and Maintenance Task Group

  • Henry Smith Charity Trust

Register of Interests
Colin Carmichael

Colin Carmichael


  • Planning & Environment Committee

  • Finance and Risk Management Committee

  • Communications Task Group

  • Personnel Committee

Register of Interests
Andrew Franklin

Andrew Franklin


  • Road Safety & Maintenance Task Group (Chair)

  • Planning & Environment Committee

  • Communications Task Group

  • Railway Task Group

  • Personnel Committee

Register of Interests
Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey


  • Communications Task Group (Chair)
  • Events Task Group (Chair)
  • Climate Change Task Group
  • Village Appearance Task Group
  • Horsley Heritage Task Group
  • Finance & Risk Management Committee

Register of Interests

Holly Haling

Holly Haling


  • Community Task Group (Chair)

  • Communications Task Group

  • Events Task Group

Register of Interests


Juliet Robinson

Juliet Robinson


  • Countryside Task Group (Chair)

  • Road Safety & Maintenance Group

  • Village Appearance Task Group

Register of Interests
Hilary Gullen

Hilary Gullen


  • Planning & Environment Committee

  • Finance & Risk Management Committee

  • Community Task Group

Register of Interest


Sylvia Igglesden

Sylvia Igglesden


  • Climate Change Task Group

  • Planning & Environment Committee

  • Personnel Committee

  • Events Task Group

Register of Interest
Nick Clemens

Nick Clemens

Parish Clerk &
Responsible Financial Officer

  • Finance & Risk Management Committee 

  • Road Safety & Maintenance Task Group

  • Henry Smith Charity Trustee

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Parish Clerk's Office, East Horsley Village Hall, Kingston Avenue,
East Horsley, Surrey KT24 6QT

Kevin Jenkins

Kevin Jenkins

Assistant Parish Clerk

  • Communications Task Group

  • Railway Task Group

  • Countryside Task Group

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Parish Clerk's Office, East Horsley Village Hall, Kingston Avenue,
East Horsley, Surrey KT24 6QT

Surrey County Councillor Dennis Booth

Surrey County Councillor

Dennis Booth 
Residents for Guildford & the Villages - R4GV

Mobile:  07736 880731
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guildford Borough Councillor Catherine Young

Guildford Borough Councillor

Catherine Young
Residents for Guildford & the Villages - R4GV

Mobile:  07817 184306
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Guildford Borough Councillor Dawn Bennett

Guildford Borough Councillor

Dawn Bennett
Residents for Guildford & the Villages - R4GV

Mobile:  07884 346324
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guildford Borough Councillor Ruth Brothwell

Guildford Borough Councillor

Ruth Brothwell
Residents for Guildford & the Villages - R4GV

Mobile:  07825 432177
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Further details of each councillor’s responsibilities are on the County and Borough web sites.