Task Groups

East Horsley Parish Council runs a number of Task Groups that meet monthly or quarterly to discuss matters that affect the village. These are an opportunity for residents to be involved in practical work that benefits the community. If you are interested in taking part in a particular group please contact the Parish Clerk for more information.

Climate Change

Catherine Young (Chair) 

The group comprises representatives from parishes around East Horsley who work together to educate and encourage residents to mitigate their everyday impact on climate change. They also work to support measures arising out of Guildford Borough’s designated ‘climate emergency’.

Communications & Events

Steve Harvey (Chair)

The group ensures the Parish Council keeps in touch with the village by providing Council updates, local news and events. It produces a quarterly Newsletter, maintains the website and posts on social media. Additionally, it works within the community, creating an environment where younger people feel valued and antisocial behaviour is discouraged. The Task Group also organises events in East Horsley, such as the Big Day Out, the Annual Parish Meeting, the Chairman’s Thank You event for volunteers and the Christmas event.


Juliet Robinson (Chair)

The group monitors local footpaths, bridleways, and the woodlands as well as the meadows owned by the Parissh Council. They organise working parties to assist in the maintenance of The Forest alongside The Drift (with Surrey Wildlife Trust and our warden, Brian Austin) and Great Ridings Wood at the top of Effingham Common (with The Woodland Trust). Harry Eve is the warden of Wellington Meadow and organises working parties to maintain the meadow’s flora and fauna. 


Stephen Groom (Chair)

The group aims to improve the experience of using Horsley and Effingham Junction stations, including their environment, accessibility and facilities. In this way, both stations can become more of an amenity for the communities they serve rather than just points of access to railway services. 

Road Safety & Maintenance 

Andrew Franklin (Chair)

The Group is the focal point for raising all road-related matters that require attention in the village. They meet regularly with representatives of Surrey Highways to review these issues and as far as possible secure improvement and change.

Village Appearance

Aileen Aitcheson (Chair)

The group discusses issues facing the village and improvements required. They monitor litter, leaves, boards, benches, lampposts, planters and liaise with the Road Safety & Maintenance Task Group regarding signage, potholes and drainage. They work closely with the village warden.

Horsley Heritage

Robert Taylor (Chair)

The group consisting of both East and West Horsley Parish Councils, focusses on heritage issues. The two main areas of activity are to establish a secure archive for the permanent storage of items of local historical interest and to support the conservation of existing heritage assets.