Your Council 

East Horsley Parish Council (EHPC) comprises 9 councillors, all unpaid volunteers, who represent a parish with a population of around 4,500 people.  

EHPC employs a Parish Clerk and Assistant Parish Clerk, supported by a part-time Village Warden for local groundskeeping and small-scale maintenance, and a communications consultant who assists with the EHPC website, Social Media and Parish Newsletter sent out quarterly to all residents.

Councillors are organised into three Committees for Planning, Finance and Personnel and seven Task Groups covering Communications & Events, Road Safety & Maintenance, Village Appearance, Countryside, Railways, Heritage and Climate Change.

The Parish Council owns two areas of publicly-accessible woodlands, The Forest and Great Ridings Wood, both acquired through public subscription and also Wellington Meadow, which is owned and managed by the Parish Council as a wildflower reserve.  All of these green spaces are supported with the help of local resident wardens and work parties of village volunteers. 

Notable projects achieved by the Parish Council during the last five years include:

  • Adoption of the East Horsley Neighbourhood Plan
  • Construction of a public skatepark
  • Installation of the first public toilet in East Horsley
  • Revision of the parish boundary to address a local anomaly
  • Installation of sponsored flower planters at prominent locations across the village
  • Adoption of Horsley and Effingham Junction railway stations by residents 
  • Implementation of ultrafast broadband using Full Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)

Regular ongoing activities of the Parish Council include:

  • Reviewing and commenting upon all planning applications in East Horsley, typically around 100 applications per year
  • Reviewing quarterly with Surrey Highways to implement road safety improvements
  • Litterpicking by councillors and volunteer residents across the village, twice a year
  • Organising and funding a large-scale village event every two years
  • Supporting local businesses
  • Providing annual Christmas lighting in our two village centres
  • Organising an Annual Volunteers Party for those supporting community events including a Volunteer of the Year award presentation
  • Providing of local allotments
  • Donating to support local causes 

Looking forward EHPC expects to further expand its activities as a result of:

  1. The unprecedented expansion in our village population arising from Local Plan housing developments; and
  2. The continued cutting back on local services by the county and borough authorities, leaving parish councils to ‘pick up the slack’ where they can.

Reflecting this expected increase in the demands on our councillors’ time, a Community Governance Review was held by EHPC in 2019 which will see the maximum permitted number of Parish Councillors increasing from nine to twelve councillors in 2023.

Overall, the main statutory bodies responsible for key local services are: Surrey County Council (education and roads); Guildford Borough Council (planning, refuse), NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (GP services).

Parish office

The parish council is run by a small part-time team based in our office at East Horsley Village Hall:

Parish Clerk:
Nicholas Clemens
Tel: 01483 281148
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Parish Clerk: Kevin Jenkins

Communications: Nicola Worsfold     Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Village Warden: Vacant


East Horsley Parish Council

January 2025