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Events Calendar

Planning & Environment Committee
Monday 17 April 2023, 07:30pm
Hits : 736

Contact Cllr Robert Taylor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To view the agenda for this meeting go to Planning Page, Next Planning Meeting Agenda

The Parish Council has a statutory right to be notified of every planning application submitted relating to the parish, and to make representations to the Planning Authority (Guildford Borough Council).  The Parish Council delegates the consideration of planning applications to its Planning & Environment Committee (which also monitors local environmental threats and problems).  Members of the public are invited to attend the Committee’s meetings and make representations.

EHPC meetings are held in the Parish Meeting Room at East Horsley Village Hall. 

Residents are invited to attend most meetings and may speak on planning mattters that affect them. Please contact Nick Clemens, Parish Clerk to advise of attendance.

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Location East Horsley Village Hall, Kingston Avenue