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Play In A Week present: A Voyage to Nowhere by Josh Sadler
Saturday 27 July 2024, 07:30pm - 10:00pm
Hits : 557
Contact Box Office/Enquiries: 01483 284747 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Directed by Brandon McGuire

The Hidden Kingdom of Nowhere has rested silently on the bottom of the artic ocean for centuries. Its people the Nobodies live under the yolk of a cruel tyrant who stole their voices and trapped them there forever! That is until a violent storm sinks a passing ship of explorers right above the secret kingdom. Can our crew, led by the intrepid but incompetent Captain Lord Sir Tarquin Von Garble Blabbermouth, overcome sensational sword fights, battle electric eels, giant clams and magical mermaids to return the voices of the Nobodies and free them from their evil ruler? Will they ever make it home? Will the Captain ever shorten his name? The winds blow hard and the seas rise high this year for PIAW 2024

Location Nomad Theatre
Tickets: Adults £14, Children/Students £10