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Events Calendar

Horsley Choral Society Christmas Concert - 'Prince of Peace'
Saturday 07 December 2024, 07:30pm
Hits : 466
Contact 07444 722318

Horsley Choral Society presents Handel's Messiah Pt I and Christmas carols for all at St Andrew's Church, Cobham on Saturday 7 December 7.30pm. Under the direction Valerie Beynon, the choir will be joined by professional soloists Jane Searle (soprano) Elizabeth Searle (mezzo soprano), John Upperton (tenor), Geoffrey Horton (bass) together with pianist and organist Mathew Rickard.   

There will be a retiring collection in aid of Vascular Ehlers-Danlos charity Annabelle's Challenge.   

Tickets are on sale now from the box office (07444 722318), from choir members and on the door (numbers permitting). Adults £18 Under 16 £5

Start your festive season with the choir in concert and perhaps join to sing with HCS in 2025. Spring season starts on Monday 6 January at East Horsley Village Hall with free taster rehearsals. All welcome, no audition just the ability to hold a tune and a love of music. For more information and contact details visit

Location St Anderw's Church, Cobham