Surrey Artist's Open Studios - The Lovelace Trail

It's Surrey Artist's Open Studios again in June and there are quite a few residing in our neighbourhood. Together they are the Lovelace Trail and you can pick up catalogues and flyers both at the library and at the Station or go online to
Councillor Sylvia Igglesden will be opening her studio on the weekend of June 1 and for several days over the month showing her eclectic abstract work and a new series inspired by the mountains. Anne Winstanley-Wood will be showing her atmospheric landscapes which are inspired by the Surrey Hills and the Yorkshire Dales. Sarah Rawlins is located in Kingston Avenue and her eye-catching work has recently been introduced into West Horsley Place merchandise. Julia Roberts Brown is an experienced ceramicist based in nearby Effingham and Liz Hauck, Adam Aaronson and Jane Alexander are based in West Horsley.