New Wardens For ‘Our’ Woods

The Parish Council owns The Forest and Great Ridings Wood, both of which were purchased through public subscription about 20 years ago.

They are important local green spaces and provide some protection against development around the north and east of the village. Working on our behalf, The Forest (bordering The Drift) is managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust and Great Ridings Wood (at the top of Effingham Common) is managed by the Woodland Trust. In each case we also have volunteer wardens who keep a general eye on things and liaise with the Parish Council’s Countryside Task Group and the managers of each wood.

Volunteer wardens Brian Austin and Nigel & Martina Watson have recently retired after more than 20 years of valuable work in The Forest and Great Ridings Wood, respectively, and we would like to thank them for their vital contribution to protecting the village. In their place we would like to welcome Sally Ollett and Shaw Stapely.
Sally moved to East Horsley four years ago from Cobham and lives close to The Forest. Recently retired, she enjoys walking the village’s green spaces. She’s keen to improve the access and quality of paths in The Forest (which can get extremely muddy in the winter), while ensuring the continued protection of the wildlife in this special site.

Shaw grew up in East Horsley and after living in London moved back here 10 years ago. He is a lawyer but prefers to be outside as much as possible; mountain biking and camping with his sons, and walking the family’s golden doodle, Bertie. He is in Great Ridings Wood most days.

Welcome to both Sally and Shaw in their new roles.

We would also like to thank Councillor Steve Punshon for his unstinting work on the Parish Council’s Countryside Task Group over the past seven years. As chair of the group since September 2020, Steve has significantly contributed to the enhancement and preservation of our local countryside. He has recently retired from the Council and his role has been taken over by Councillor Juliet Robinson.

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