Wisley Appeal Next Steps

A packed East Horsley village hall on Monday 10 June demonstrated the high level of local concern about the recent Planning Inspector’s decision to approve the Taylor Wimpey planning application for 1,730 houses on the former Wisley Airfield. Representatives from Villages Against Wisley New Town (VAWNT) and the Wisley Action Group (WAG) summarised the main points of the Inspector’s report and emphasised their surprise that such a decision could be made against all the evidence provided by their experts and the strong opposition of most of the local community. For example, evidence about the impacts of the development on traffic flow, wildlife and air quality were seemingly given little weight.

VAWNT and WAG are now considering whether there is a case for a Judicial Review of the legality of the decision and they are waiting to receive advice from their King’s Counsel – expected in the next few days. If there are strong enough grounds for a Judicial Review in the view of the King’s Counsel then an initial application would be made, which would be reviewed and a determination made whether the case should go to a final hearing.

The Inspector’s decision is final unless successfully challenged in the High Court on a point of law. Any challenge is not an opportunity to look at the merits of the case or to re-run the arguments. The Court’s role is to consider whether the decision was reached in a lawful manner.

Any application for a Judicial Review must be made by 5 July and needs substantial fundraising before then – estimated at £200,000. 

The fundraising is urgent and if individuals feel strongly that the development should continue to be opposed effectively, then VAWNT and WAG ask that you consider making even a small a donation.  They will send you their bank details if you email them at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Remember that the Taylor Wimpey development at Wisley is not the whole story. Two outline planning applications have also been submitted to build another 270 houses on the site, on behalf of two other developers (represented by Hallam Land and CBRE).

If WAG and VAWNT can’t raise the funds to pursue a Judicial Review then such a challenge will not be possible and may open the door to even more development.