Wisley – KC advises there is a case for a Judicial Review

Since the recent decision by the Planning Inspector to recommend the Wisley Airfield development by Taylor Wimpey, Villages Against Wisley New Town (VAWNT) and Wisley Action Group (WAG) have been busy. 

They have received formal advice from Richard Harwood KC about the grounds for a Judicial Review (JR).  They followed up with a lengthy discussion with him and their transport and ecology experts, in which the Inspector’s Decision was thoroughly reviewed. Together they have concluded there is a reasonable chance of successfully challenging this at a JR. 

The KC has advised that threequarters of challenges that are allowed to proceed to a JR have a positive outcome for the claimant. This is another compelling reason why plans to challenge the Decision are an investment in the future of our community.  The next step is to submit a case for approval and, if approved, it will be approximately six months before it gets to a court hearing. 

Fundraising is ongoing and critical as the JR application cannot go ahead without sufficient funding to take the case forward.  Time is of the essence so please donate asap as the case needs to be submitted by Friday 5 July. 

WAG have put their bank account details into the public domain, in order to accept donations:

Bank transfer to: Wisley Airfield Action Group 

Sort code: 20-35-35

Account: 10574287

Whilst they would prefer bank transfer, you can also donate through their Crowdfunding account (a fee is charged):  


Thank you for your continued support and to everyone who has already donated. This continues to be a mass community initiative against unsustainable development.