The Horsley Repair Cafe Opens Its Doors

The Horsley Repair Cafe opened its doors yesterday for the first time, at the Canterbury Rooms alongside St Martin’s Church.

Items the team of local volunteers restored to working order include a vacuum cleaner, tree loppers, a coffee maker, binoculars, an earring, a paper shredder and a suitcase. Some items, alas, had the last rites read, meanwhile others were taken home by volunteers to undergo longer but hopefully successful treatment. Textiles, too, including a bath gown were mended while the owner mixed with other ‘customers’ over a beverage and cake and biscuits. 

Donations for work done were gratefully accepted and the organisers extend their appreciation to the management of Horsley Towers for offering free car parking.

The Repair Cafe will be open for business on the first Saturday morning of each month so if you have an article of clothing that needs attention or some other item that requires coaxing back into life then come along next time on Saturday 3 August.